Used linens processed by commercial laundry CLEAN in Yeovil are taking on a new lease of life after being donated to Dorset’s ape rescue centre Monkey World.

About 4,000 sheets and duvet covers previously used in hotels around the region have been delivered to the rescue centre in Wareham, where they will be used by its primate inhabitants.
While the linens will provide extra comfort and shelter, they will also be used for play: Hiding food inside sheets strung up as hammocks, for example, helps keep the monkeys engaged and mentally stimulated.
The used cotton sheets and duvet covers – known as ‘rag linen’ – are usually sold to a linen recycling company when they are too worn to be utilised by hotels, but when Geoff Milverton, site director at CLEAN, Copse Road, Yeovil went on a recent trip to Monkey World he realised they may be of more help there.
He said: “When I visited Monkey World I noticed the team there used sheets and duvet covers for the animals, so I emailed them to see if they needed any more and they said they would love some.”
The move is the start of a new relationship between CLEAN Yeovil and Monkey World with CLEAN on hand to supply more 'rag linen’ when needed.
Geoff added: “We will recycle future rag linen at Monkey World and are happy to see it be used for a good cause.”
Monkey World’s PR manager, Charlie Crowther, said: “We are very grateful for donations of sheets, towels and linen from all our supporters. This donation from CLEAN has topped up our stores in time for the cold winter period, when we use more bedding to ensure our rescued primates are warm and cosy both in their indoor bedrooms and playrooms, and their large outdoor enclosures.”
CLEAN Yeovil supports a number of local charities and fundraisers. The laundry site, which supplies bed linen, towelling and table linen to businesses throughout South West England, recently raised more than £400 for a lady walking 22 miles along the Jurassic Coast for Macmillan Cancer Support.
It has also put aside a large number of used towels for RSPCA’s West Hatch Wildlife and Animal Centre.
Picture: Young chimpanzee Thelma plays with a sheet at Monkey World.
Jeremy Keeling, Animal Director of Monkey World, takes delivery of the linen from CLEAN Yeovil
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